Saturday, July 27, 2019

What did Donald Trump do today?

He hated America.

Trump returned to a familiar 2016 campaign theme today, attacking the United States—specifically, parts of Baltimore—as "dangerous" and "infested" with vermin. He said Rep. Elijah Cummings' district was "the Worst in the USA" because Cummings didn't spend enough time in his district. He said that "no human" would want to live there, and contrasted it with border detention camps he called "clean, efficient & well run."

Cummings lives within commuting distance of Washington and generally spends the night in his district. Why Trump seems to think that Cummings runs local government in the region is less clear. 

As pretty much everyone has noticed—including white supremacists—when Trump talks about vermin, or things being "infested" with rats or crime, he is talking about black and brown people. He's said that immigrants "infest" the United States, that four Democratic Congresswomen come from "crime-infested" districts. He also used "crime infested" to describe Rep. John Lewis's prosperous majority-black suburban Georgia district. And his idea of voter outreach in the 2016 campaign was to say, "African Americans and Hispanics are living in hell. You walk down the street and you get shot.”

65% of the people living where Trump says "no human being would want to live" are non-white.

As for the "clean, efficient & well run" border detention camps, it's not clear whether Trump actually believes this or is just angry that Cummings pointed out that it wasn't

How is this a bad thing?

  • America's problems are the president's problems.
  • The camps where asylum seekers are kept are not clean or efficient or well run and it's a problem if Trump doesn't know this.