Monday, April 1, 2019

What did Donald Trump do today?

He patted himself on the back for funding for autism research he's trying to cut to zero.

Tomorrow is World Autism Awareness Day. As presidents frequently do for such occasions, Trump issued an official proclamation today. It included this passage (with emphasis added):

As a Nation, we must continue to support Americans with ASD. My Administration has worked to fund cutting-edge research, optimize health systems, and enhance available resources and treatments that will benefit people with ASD. Ongoing Federal research efforts to understand the health and development of children with ASD have recently expanded to include adolescents and young adults, thereby advancing our knowledge of ASD beyond childhood.

In reality, as the Washington Post reported last week, Trump's proposed 2020 budget seeks to "zero out funding for Department of Health and Human Services programs relating to autism, including a developmental disabilities surveillance and research program, autism education, early detection and intervention, and the interagency autism coordinating committee."

Why is this a bad thing?

  • It's wrong to take credit for things you're not doing.