Monday, October 29, 2018

What did Donald Trump do today?

He called a black politician a "thief" on the same day he was sued for fraud.

Trump tweeted today that Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, the Democratic mayor of Tallahassee, was a "thief."

Gillum has not been accused of theft, by anyone, ever.

Trump himself, however, has--particularly if fraud, dishonesty, or other forms of swindling are included. Those cases range from his legendary refusal to pay his bills, to the nearly half a billion dollars he and his family are now believed to have stolen from the government in the form of tax fraud.

Just today, Trump was sued under anti-racketeering laws for his part in a pyramid scam. He reportedly made millions of dollars endorsing ACN, a multi-level marketing scheme that has drawn the attention of regulators in at least three countries, including the United States. The scheme gained its victims' trust through Trump's promises to have investigated the company, although he later denied having known anything about it.

That pattern of behavior is almost identical to his involvement in the "Trump University" scam, where students were defrauded into thinking that Trump was involved in any way with the instructors or curriculum of what turned out to be worthless "classes." Trump ended up paying $25 million in fines and restitution in that case.

So what?

  • It's bad for the country to have its president who can be sued under the RICO Act.
  • People who live in stolen houses shouldn't throw stones.